Plan A Visit

What Can I Expect?

A dynamic worship celebration that lasts about 60 minutes

A casual, relaxed and exciting atmosphere

Great music and live worship

Relevant and practical teaching from the Bible

A group of imperfect people seeking a perfect, loving God

Come as you are, and leave changed

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Let Us Know You're Coming

We can't wait to meet you in person. Simply answer the following questions and we'll make sure to give you the VIP treatment upon your visit.

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Visit Us!

We meet weekly on Sundays at 9:30am in the Duncan Theater located in Killbuck, Ohio.

A look at Fusion Community Church

Approximate Drive Times to The Duncan Theater From:
Millersburg: 13 Mins.
Danville: 22 Mins.
Berlin: 23 Mins.
Loudonville: 26 Mins.
Coshocton: 32 Mins.
Wooster: 34 Mins.